Spring on Thassos island in Greece.

Experiencing the spring season in Kazaviti implies to get close to nature again; it brings back the times when there was no urban environment and the immensely strong forces of renewal in nature year after year were intimately felt by everyone...to watch herbs sprouting again under the sun rays getting stronger again, to follow the amazing plant growth. Day after day more leaves and flowers unfold - as if they possessed magic motive powers. This incredible life giving energy of the sun light and of the moisture in the soil - this amazing diversity of foliage, blossom in delicate colours, this unexpected and still little explored variety of insects: bumble bees, beatles and butterflies! The fine aroma of flowering plum, almond and apple trees spreads over the bright green hillsides around the village. And even before the first leaves appear, some trees are in velvet blossom all over - a miraculous natural spectacle.
When life in Kazaviti still followed tradition, the inhabitants had returned already in March to the village from their winter quarters in the coastal plain. Now they prepared the gardens and field terraces, planted seeds and saplings and finished pruning the fruit trees and vines. Working again the dark deep soil that had accumulated over more than two thousand years under the caring hands of the Kazavitians - following the inherited rules of cultivation in an unbroken sequence since antique times
... Until half a century ago the return to the village came to an end and the archaic rhythm was interrupted and the village deserted, the land abandoned. Today herds of goats roam over the formerly cultivated land. And the forest that was pushed back beyond the gorges, having preserved its strong powers of renewal and expansion, set roots again in the fertile soil. Not the monotone pine forest, but rather the species-rich community of broadleaf trees that provides suitable habitat conditions for much more wildlife. We can witness how this natural renaissance unfolds; it integrates the remaining odd fruit trees, vines and crop plants. Around Kazaviti, in the zone close to the village - and not in the "natural" landscape further away - the most diverse habitats and wildlife can be discovered nowadays.
Kazaviti Nature Spring Autumn Winter Snow
Moods Historic photos Hl. Mount Athos Gjirokastra Villa Karavousi Villa Kavanosi
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Wild orchid




Wild rose



Narcissus + chestnut

Walnut twig




At the road side

Forest in spring


Redbud in blossom

Cherry Dogwood

Spring blossom

Wild rose

Wild rose


Plums in blossom

... and lilac



Plum tree in blossom

Tree Erica

Local cultivated roses


Growing figs

northern gorge

Pine in blossom

Oak forest



Park landscape
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